Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So today I made the biggest decision I have ever made, ever--  I deleted my facebook.  

Yes, I know. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all my time now.  I'm hoping that it will be something productive and will be more beneficial to my life than anything facebook has to offer.  

I made this decision in light of some recent events...

It goes something like this..

I used to have a best friend.  We spent every day together.  Every weekend we were on some new adventure, some good, and some were questionable.  We were the definition of best friends or so I thought.  On Halloween me and we'll call her Kyla* had plans to go see Paranormal Activity 3.  So before the movie we came to my house to watch some Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel and get ready for the movie.  Well about 3 hours before I got a call from a boy that I have a questionable past with we'll call him Steven, and he wanted me to go to a party with him. Well I said that I definitely didn't want to go since there would be some people there that I don't really get along with.  Well Kyla heard the conversation and began to act weird.  (although if you ask my mom she was acting weird the whole day) I get a text from my almost boyfriend who goes to a different school, we'll call him M and he said "what is Kyla talking about?!" and I replied with what I think is a typical response "what are you talking about?!"  he said "nothing I thought it was your Kayla but it was someone else"  I knew he was lying. 
Then Kyla says that her mom says she can't go to the movie and that her mom is coming to pick her up right away.  I knew she was lying.

There wasnt much I could do at that point since I really knew nothing since I really knew nothing except what I felt.

Well M never texted me back at all that night.

The next day before I even get to school I get a text from Kyla saying that she "needs to create space between us because of the choices I'm making"

"ohhkaaay?  and what are those exactly?"
let me get one thing straight, I'm not perfect, I've done things that I'm not necessairly proud of but all of those things (with an exception of one) I participated in for the first time with Kyla.... plus anything I've done she's done worse (like putting a jacket that SHE peed on in someone that she didn't like's locker,  seriously disgusting!!!)  So I was rightly confused by her statement.  

Anyways I guess that on that night she had texted M, that I hug other guys in the hall (pretty awful, I know) that I text other guys (sorry that I have friends, that I'm not going to stop talking to) and that I'm leading him on and that on Halloween I was planning on having sex with Steven?!  (she was there, she heard the conversation him and I had, she knew what we talked about, and not even that, I had plans with her!!!!)


So yeaah... I was pissed.  And M was pissed. He legit never ever wanted to talk to me ever again!  There's no words to describe how hurt I was that she did that.  She completely betrayed me and I just couldn't believe the level of two-faced backstabbedness that she had achieved! My 'best friend' of 9 months that I had trusted everything to, would do something so completely vindictive! Now think what you will, but I did nothing, not one thing! to male her do something like that!!!!  She had became apart of my family, my parents paid for her food, we gave her rides, she lived with us when her mom's boyfriend didn't want them to live with him anymore (for reasons which I now understand) So she not only betrayed me, but basically my whole family.  I was devastated! I was bawling my eyes out as I was explaining the story to my mom!

And so now she's mad at me, like I did something wrong!! She's the one who betrayed me, she's the one who went into my locker and ripped all my things, if anything I should be mad at her!!! Now her mom is encouraging her to fight me?!  
Fight me?! really?! I DID NOTHING!!!  uggghhh!!
So my mom told me to say that if she so much as touched me that we would be pressing charges.  So she goes on facebook and quotes me saying that I'm pathetic!  
No honey, what's pathetic is you trying to act like some nasty ghetto animal by fighting her to somehow solve our problems! 
Yeaaah right!!! Small children are taught that fighting doesn't solve anything so idk where that idea gets changed. 

I just have no need to deal with her level of bull, so I deleted my facebook, a smart choice?!  Idk! I'll find out. 

* names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. 

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